Chapter 7 (Enforcement) of the Bureau of Cannabis Control ("Bureau" or "BCC") Text of Regulations covers enforcement actions that the Bureau might undertake if a licensee is found in violation(s) of the Act or regulations.
§ 5800 (a) The Bureau, and its authorized representatives, shall have full and immediate access to inspect and:
(1) Enter onto any premises licensed by the Bureau.
(2) Test any vehicle or equipment possessed by, in control of, or used by a licensee or their agents and employees for the purpose of conducting commercial cannabis activity.
(3) Test any cannabis goods or cannabis-related materials or products possessed by, in control of, or used by a licensee or their agents and employees for the purpose of conducting commercial cannabis activity.
(4) Copy any materials, books, or records of any licensee or their agents and employees.
§ 5800 (b) Failure to cooperate with and participate in any Bureau investigation pending against the licensee may result in a licensing violation subject to discipline. This subsection shall not be construed to deprive a licensee of any privilege guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or any other constitutional or statutory privileges.
This subsection shall not be construed to require a licensee to cooperate with a request that would require the licensee to waive any constitutional or statutory privilege or to comply with a request for information or other matters within an unreasonable period of time in light of the time constraints of the licensee’s business. Any constitutional or statutory privilege exercised by the licensee shall not be used against the licensee in a regulatory or disciplinary proceeding against the licensee.
§ 5800 (d) Prior notice of an inspection, investigation, review, or audit is not required.
§ 5800 (e) Any inspection, investigation, review, or audit of a licensed premises shall be conducted anytime the licensee is exercising privileges under the license, or as otherwise agreed to by the Bureau and the licensee or its agents, employees, or representatives.
§ 5800 (f) If the licensed premises is not accessible because access is only available by going through another licensed premises and the licensee occupying the other licensed premises denies the Bureau access, the licensees shall both be held responsible and subject to discipline.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 26012, 26015 and 26160, Business and Professions Code; and Section 11181, Government Code.
§ 5801 (a) The Bureau may issue a notice to comply to a licensee for violation(s) of the Act or regulations discovered during an investigation or observed during an inspection.
§ 5801 (b) The notice to comply shall be in writing and describe the nature and facts of each violation, including a reference to the statute or regulation violated, and may indicate the manner in which the licensee must correct the violation(s) to achieve compliance.
§ 5801 (c) The Bureau will serve the notice to comply prior to leaving the licensed premises after the inspection on any licensee, employee, agent, or person delegated by any of those listed, to facilitate the inspection or accept such notice, or will mail the notice to comply within 15 calendar days of the discovery of violation or the last date of inspection.
§ 5801 (d) The notice to comply shall inform the licensee that the licensee may, within 20 calendar days from the date of personal service or mailing of the notice to comply, sign and return the notice to comply declaring under penalty of perjury that each violation was corrected and describing how compliance was achieved.
§ 5801 (e) Failure to correct the violation(s) in the notice to comply may result in a disciplinary action.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 26012 and 26018, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5802 (a) The Bureau may issue citations containing orders of abatement and fines against a licensee, or an unlicensed person, for any acts or omissions which are in violation of any provision of the Act or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, or for any violation of state law or regulations applicable to cannabis licensees, including, but not limited to, state labor law.
§ 5802 (b) The Bureau may issue a citation under this section to a licensee for a violation of a term or condition contained in a decision placing that licensee on probation.
§ 5802 (c) Each citation may contain either order(s) of abatement, monetary fine(s), or both, and shall:
(1) Be in writing and describe with particularity the nature of the violation, including a reference to the law or regulation determined to have been violated;
(2) Fix a reasonable time for abatement of the violation if the citation contains an order of abatement, or assess an administrative fine of up to $5,000 if the citation contains a fine;
(3) Be served personally or by certified mail; and
(4) Inform the licensee or person that they may request an informal conference, or contest the citation, or both, pursuant to section 5803 of this division.
§ 5802 (d) Failure to pay a fine within 30 calendar days of the date of assessment, unless the citation is being contested, may result in further action being taken by the Bureau including, but not limited to, suspension or revocation of a license. If a citation is not appealed and the fine is not paid, the full amount of the assessed fine shall be added to the fee for renewal of the license. A license shall not be renewed without the payment of the renewal fee and fine.
§ 5802 (e) The amount of any fine assessed by the Bureau under this section shall take into consideration the factors listed in Business and Professions Code section 125.9(b)(3).
§ 5802 (f) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the Bureau from filing an accusation to suspend or revoke a license where grounds for such suspension or revocation exist.
Authority: Sections 125.9 and 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 125.9, 148, 149 and 26012, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5803 (a) A cited licensee or person may, within 30 calendar days of service of the citation, contest the citation by submitting to the Bureau a written request for a hearing, conducted in accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of the Government Code. If a hearing is not requested, it is waived and payment of a fine will not constitute an admission of the violation charged.
§ 5803 (b) In addition to requesting a hearing provided for in subsection (a) of this section, the cited licensee or person may, within 15 calendar days after service of the citation, submit a written request for an informal conference with the Bureau regarding the acts or omissions charged in the citation.
§ 5803 (c) The Bureau shall, within 15 calendar days from receipt of the written request, hold an informal conference with the licensee or person cited, and/or his or her legal counsel or authorized representative.
§ 5803 (d) At the conclusion of the informal conference, the Bureau may affirm, modify, or dismiss the citation, including any fines levied or orders of abatement issued. A written decision stating the reasons for the decision shall be mailed to the cited licensee or person and his or her legal counsel, if any, within 15 calendar days from the date of the informal conference. This decision shall be deemed to be a final order with regard to the citation issued, including the levied fine and the order of abatement, if any.
§ 5803 (e) If the citation is dismissed, any request for a hearing shall be deemed withdrawn. If the citation is affirmed or modified, the cited licensee or person may, in his or her discretion, withdraw the request for a hearing or proceed with the administrative hearing process.
§ 5803 (f) If the citation, including any fine levied or order of abatement, is modified, the citation originally issued shall be considered withdrawn and new citation issued. If a hearing is requested for the subsequent citation, it shall be requested within 30 calendar days in accordance with Business and Professions Code section 125.9(b)(4).
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 125.9, 26012 and 26016, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5804 (a) The time to abate or correct a violation as provided for in an order of abatement may be extended for good cause. If a cited licensee or person who has been issued an order of abatement is unable to complete the correction within the time set forth in the citation because of conditions beyond his or her control after the exercise of reasonable diligence, the licensee or person cited may request an extension of time from the Bureau in which to complete the correction. Such a request shall be in writing and shall be made within the time set forth for abatement.
§ 5804 (b) When a citation is not contested, or if it is appealed and the person cited does not prevail, failure to abate the violation within the time allowed or pay a fine that was imposed shall constitute a violation and a failure to comply with the citation or order of abatement.
§ 5804 (c) Failure to timely comply with an order of abatement or pay a fine that was imposed may result in further action being taken by the Bureau, including, but not limited to, suspension or revocation of a license, or further administrative or civil proceedings. Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 125.9 and 26012, Business and Professions Code.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 125.9 and 26012, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5805 (a) Peace officers may use a person under 21 years of age to attempt to purchase cannabis goods, for the purposes of enforcing the Act, and to apprehend licensees, employees, or agents of licensees who sell cannabis goods to minors. For purposes of this section, a “minor” is a person under 21 years of age.
§ 5805 (b) The following minimum standards shall apply to the use of a minor decoy:
(1) At the time of the operation, the decoy shall be less than 20 years of age.
(2) A decoy shall either carry his or her own identification showing the decoy’s correct date of birth, or carry no identification. A decoy who carries identification shall present it upon request to any seller of cannabis goods.
(3) A decoy shall answer truthfully any questions about his or her age.
(4) Following any completed sale, but not later than the time a citation, if any, is issued, the peace officer directing the decoy shall make a reasonable attempt to enter the licensed premises or respond to the location where the licensee is located and have the minor decoy who purchased cannabis goods identify the alleged seller of the cannabis goods
Authority: Sections 26013 and 26140, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Section 26140, Business and Professions Code.
No license shall allow the following:
§ 5806 (a) Employment or use of any person in the sale or service of cannabis goods in or upon the licensed premises while such person is unclothed or in such attire, costume, or clothing as to expose to view any portion of the male or female breast below the top of the areola or of any portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft of the buttocks, vulva, or genitals.
§ 5806 (b) Employment or use of the services of any host or other person to mingle with the patrons while such hostess or other person is unclothed or in such attire, costume, or clothing as described in subsection (a) of this section.
§ 5806 (c) Encouraging or permitting any person on the licensed premises to touch, caress, or fondle the breasts, buttocks, anus, or genitals of any other person.
§ 5806 (d) Permitting any employee or person to wear or use any device or covering, exposed to view, which simulates the breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair, or any portion thereof.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: 26011.5, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5807 (a) Live entertainment is permitted on a licensed premises, except that no licensee shall permit any person to perform acts of or acts that simulate:
(1) Sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, or any sexual acts that are prohibited by law.
(2) Touching, caressing, or fondling of the breast, buttocks, anus, or genitals.
(3) Displaying of the buttocks, breasts, pubic hair, anus, vulva, or genitals.
§ 5807 (b) No licensee shall permit any person to use artificial devices or inanimate objects to depict any of the prohibited activities described in this section.
§ 5807 (c) No licensee shall permit any person to remain in or upon the licensed premises who exposes to public view any portion of his or her breast, buttocks, genitals, or anus.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: 26011.5, Business and Professions Code.
The following include, but are not limited to, additional grounds that constitute a basis for disciplinary action:
§ 5808 (a) Failure to pay a fine imposed by the Bureau or agreed to by the licensee
§ 5808 (b) Failure to take reasonable steps to correct objectionable conditions on the licensed premises, including the immediately adjacent area that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee, that constitute a nuisance, within a reasonable time after receipt of notice to make those corrections, under Penal Code section 373a.
§ 5808 (c) Failure to take reasonable steps to correct objectionable conditions that occur during operating hours on any public sidewalk abutting a licensed premises and constitute a nuisance, within a reasonable time after receipt of notice to correct those conditions from the Bureau. This subsection shall apply to a licensee only upon written notice to the licensee from the Bureau. The Bureau shall issue this written notice upon its own determination, or upon a request from the local law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the licensed premises is located, that is supported by substantial evidence that persistent objectionable conditions are occurring on the public sidewalk abutting the licensed premises. For purposes of this subsection:
(1) “Any public sidewalk abutting a licensed premises” means the publicly owned, pedestrian- traveled way, not more than 20 feet from the licensed premises, that is located between a licensed premises, including any immediately adjacent area that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee, and a public street.
(2) “Objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance” means disturbance of the peace, public intoxication, drinking alcoholic beverages in public, smoking or ingesting cannabis or cannabis products in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, loitering, public urination, lewd conduct, drug trafficking, or excessive loud noise.
(3) “Reasonable steps” means all of the following:
(A) Calling the local law enforcement agency. Timely calls to the local law enforcement agency that are placed by the licensee, or his or her agents or employees, shall not be construed by the Bureau as evidence of objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance.
(B) Requesting those persons engaging in activities causing objectionable conditions to cease those activities, unless the licensee, or his or her agents or employees, feel that their personal safety would be threatened in making that request.
(C) Making good faith efforts to remove items that facilitate loitering, such as furniture, except those structures approved or permitted by the local jurisdiction. The licensee shall not be liable for the removal of those items that facilitate loitering.
(4) When determining what constitutes “reasonable steps,” the Bureau shall consider site configuration constraints related to the unique circumstances of the nature of the business.
§ 5808 (d) Notwithstanding that the licensee corrects the objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance, the licensee has a continuing obligation to meet the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, and failure to do so shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action.
§ 5808 (e) If a licensee has knowingly permitted the illegal sale, or negotiations for the sales, of controlled substances or dangerous drugs upon his or her licensed premises. Successive sales, or negotiations for sales, over any continuous period of time shall be deemed evidence of permission. As used in this section, “controlled substances” shall have the same meaning as is given that term in Article 1 (commencing with Section 11000) of Chapter 1 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, and “dangerous drugs” shall have the same meaning as is given that term in Article 2 (commencing with Section 4015) of Chapter 9 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code.
§ 5808 (f) If the licensee has employed or permitted any persons to solicit or encourage others, directly or indirectly, to buy such persons cannabis goods in the licensed premises under any commission, percentage, salary, or other profit-sharing plan, scheme, or conspiracy.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 26011.5, 26012, 26030 and 26031, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5809 (a) When an accusation recommending disciplinary action against a licensee has been filed pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 26031, the accusation shall be served on the licensee in accordance with Government Code section 11505.
§ 5809 (b) A hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code to determine if cause exists to take action against the licensee. At such a hearing, the Bureau shall have all the powers granted therein and by the Business and Professions Code.
§ 5809 (c) If a hearing on an accusation against a licensee results in a finding that the licensee has committed any of the acts or omissions constituting grounds for disciplinary action, the Bureau may order the license revoked, suspended outright for a specified period of time, suspended on probationary restriction for a specified period of time on such terms and conditions of probation as in its judgment are supported by its findings, impose a fine, or any combination thereof. The Bureau may also issue such other lawful orders it considers to be appropriate on the basis of its findings.
§ 5809 (d) An accusation may be terminated by written stipulation at any time prior to the conclusion of the hearing on the accusation. If a licensee submits a proposed stipulation to the Bureau for its consideration and the Bureau subsequently declines to accept the proposed stipulation, the Bureau shall not thereafter be disqualified from hearing evidence on the accusation and taking action thereon as authorized in this section.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 26012, 26031
and 26034, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5810 (a) Pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 494, the Bureau may petition for an interim order to suspend any license or impose licensing restrictions upon any licensee, if:
(1) The licensee has engaged in acts or omissions constituting a violation of the Business and Professions Code or this division, or been convicted of a crime substantially related to the licensed activity, and
(2) Permitting the licensee to continue to engage in the licensed activity would endanger the public health, safety, or welfare.
§ 5810 (b) An interim order for suspension or restrictions may be issued with notice, as follows:
(1) The Bureau shall provide the licensee with at least 15 days’ notice of the hearing on the
petition for an interim order.
(2) The notice shall include documents submitted in support of the petition.
§ 5810 (c) An interim order for suspension or restrictions may issue without notice to the licensee, as follows:
(1) If it appears from the Bureau’s petition and supporting documents that serious injury would
result to the public before the matter could be heard on notice.
(2) The Bureau shall provide the licensee with a hearing on the petition within 20 days
after issuance of the initial interim order.
(3) Notice of the hearing shall be provided within two days after issuance of the initial
interim order.
§ 5810 (d) The Bureau shall file an accusation, pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, within 15 calendar days of the issuance of the interim order.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 494, 26011.5, 26012 and 26031, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5811 (a) A licensee whose license has been suspended shall conspicuously and continuously display a notice on the exterior of the licensee’s premises for the duration of the suspension.
§ 5811 (b) The notice shall be two feet in length and 14 inches in width. The notice shall read:
The Bureau of Cannabis Control License(s) Issued For This Premises
Has Been Suspended For Violation of State Law
§ 5811 (c) Advertising or posting signs to the effect that the licensed premises has been closed or that business has been suspended for any reason other than the reason provided in the decision suspending the license, shall be deemed a violation of this section.
§ 5811 (d) Failure to display the notice as required in this section or removal of the notice prior to the expiration of the suspension shall be a violation of this section and may result in additional disciplinary action.
§ 5811 (e) A licensee shall notify the Bureau, by submitting the Notification and Request Form, BCCLIC-027 (New 10/18), incorporated herein by reference, within 24 hours of discovering that the notice under subsection (b) of this section has been removed or damaged to an extent that makes the notice illegible.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 26011.5 and 26012, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5812 (a) A person whose license has been revoked shall conspicuously display a notice on the exterior of the premises indicating that the license has been revoked. The notice shall remain continuously on the premises for at least 15 calendar days.
§ 5812 (b) The notice shall be two feet in length and 14 inches in width. The notice shall read:
The Bureau of Cannabis Control License(s) Issued For This Premises
Has Been Revoked For Violation of State Law
§ 5812 (c) Advertising or posting signs to the effect that the premises has been closed or that business has been suspended for any reason other than the reason provided in the decision revoking the license shall be deemed a violation of this section.
§ 5812 (d) If the Bureau revokes a license at a licensed premises that has one or more licenses at the location that will remain active after the revocation, the revocation notice shall remain posted for a period of at least 15 calendar days.
§ 5812 (e) Failure to display the notice for the time required in this section shall be a violation of this section and may result in additional disciplinary action.
§ 5812 (f) A licensee shall notify the Bureau, by submitting the Notification and Request Form, BCCLIC-027 (New 10/18), incorporated herein by reference, within 24 hours of discovering that the notice under subsection (b) of this section has been removed or damaged to an extent that makes
the notice illegible.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 26011.5 and 26012, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5813 (a) In any order in resolution of a disciplinary proceeding for suspension or revocation of a license, the Bureau may request the administrative law judge to direct a licensee found to have committed a violation or violations of the Act, or any regulation adopted pursuant to the Act, to pay a sum not to exceed the reasonable costs of the investigation and enforcement of the case
§ 5813 (b) A certified copy of the actual costs, or a good faith estimate of costs where actual costs are not available, signed by the Bureau’s designated representative shall be prima facie evidence of reasonable costs of investigation and prosecution of the case. The costs shall include the amount of investigative and enforcement costs up to the date of the hearing, including, but not limited to, charges imposed by the Attorney General.
§ 5813 (c) The administrative law judge shall make a proposed finding of the amount of reasonable costs of investigation and prosecution of the case when requested pursuant to subsection (a). The Bureau may reduce or eliminate the cost award, or remand to the administrative law judge where the proposed decision fails to make a finding on costs requested pursuant to subsection (a).
§ 5813 (d) Where an order for recovery of costs is made and timely payment is not made as directed in the decision, the Bureau may enforce the order for repayment in any appropriate court. This right of enforcement shall be in addition to any other rights the Bureau may have as to any licensee to pay costs.
§ 5813 (e) In any action for recovery of costs, proof of the decision shall be conclusive proof of the validity of the order of payment and the terms for payment.
§ 5813 (f) Except as provided in subsection (g) of this section, the Bureau shall not renew or reinstate any license of any licensee who has failed to pay all of the costs ordered under this division.
§ 5813 (g) Notwithstanding subsection (f) of this section, the Bureau may, in its discretion, conditionally renew or reinstate for a maximum of one year the license of any licensee who demonstrates financial hardship and who enters into a formal agreement with the Bureau for reimbursement within that one-year period for the unpaid costs.
§ 5813 (h) Nothing in this section shall preclude the Bureau from including the recovery of the costs of investigation and enforcement of a case in any stipulated settlement.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 125.3, 26012 and 26031, Business and Professions Code
In reaching a decision on a disciplinary action under the Act and the Administrative Procedure Act (Govt. Code section 11400 et seq.), the Bureau shall consider the disciplinary guidelines entitled “Bureau of Cannabis Control Disciplinary Guidelines October 2018,” which are hereby incorporated by reference. Deviation from these guidelines and orders, including the standard terms of probation, is appropriate where the Bureau in its sole discretion determines that the facts of the particular case warrant such a deviation, e.g., the presence of mitigating factors, the age of the case, or evidentiary problems.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Sections 26012 and 26031, Business and Professions Code.
§ 5815 (a) The Bureau may issue an emergency decision and order for temporary, interim relief to prevent or avoid immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The Bureau has information that cannabis goods at a licensee’s premises have a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death.
(2) To prevent the sale, transfer, or transport of contaminated or illegal cannabis goods in possession of the licensee.
(3) The Bureau observes or has information that conditions at the licensee’s premises exist that present an immediate risk to worker or public health and safety.
(4) To prevent illegal diversion of cannabis goods, or other criminal activity at the licensee’s premises.
(5) To prevent the destruction of evidence related to illegal activity or violations of the Act.
(6) To prevent misrepresentation to the public, such as selling untested cannabis goods, providing inaccurate information about the cannabis goods, or cannabis goods that have been obtained from an unlicensed person.
§ 5815 (b) Temporary, interim relief may include a suspension or administrative hold by one or more of the following:
(1) The temporary suspension of a license.
(2) An order to segregate or isolate specific cannabis goods.
(3) An order prohibiting the movement of cannabis goods to or from the premises.
(4) (4) An order prohibiting the sale of specific cannabis goods.
(5) An order prohibiting the destruction of specific cannabis goods.
§ 5815 (c) The emergency decision and order issued by the Bureau shall include a brief explanation of the factual and legal basis of the emergency decision that justify the Bureau’s determination that emergency action is necessary, and the specific actions ordered. The emergency decision and order shall be effective when issued or as otherwise provided by the decision and order.
§ 5815 (d) To issue an administrative hold that prohibits activity related to specified cannabis goods, the Bureau shall comply with the following:
(1) The notice of the administrative hold shall include a description of the cannabis goods subject to the administrative hold.
(2) Following notice, the Bureau shall identify the cannabis goods subject to the administrative hold in the track and trace system.
§ 5815 (e) A licensee subject to an administrative hold shall comply with the following:
(1) Within 24 hours of receipt of the notice of administrative hold, physically segregate all designated cannabis goods in a limited-access area of the licensed premises. The licensee shall ensure that all cannabis goods subject to the administrative hold are safeguarded and preserved in a manner that prevents tampering, degradation, or contamination.
(2) While the administrative hold is in effect, the licensee shall not sell, donate, transfer, transport, gift, or destroy the cannabis goods subject to the hold.
(3) A microbusiness licensee subject to an administrative hold may continue to cultivate any cannabis subject to an administrative hold. If the cannabis subject to the hold must be harvested, the licensee shall place the harvested cannabis into separate batches.
(4) A licensee may voluntarily surrender cannabis goods that are subject to an administrative hold. The licensee shall identify the cannabis goods being voluntarily surrendered in the track and trace system. Voluntary surrender shall not be construed to waive the right to a hearing or any associated rights.
§ 5815 (f) To issue a temporary suspension, the Bureau shall specify in the order that the licensee shall immediately cease conducting all commercial cannabis activities under its license, unless otherwise specified in the order.
§ 5815 (g) A microbusiness licensee subject to a temporary suspension may continue to cultivate cannabis at the licensed premises only as prescribed by the Bureau in the order. If the order permits the cannabis to be harvested, the licensee shall place the harvested cannabis into separate batches.
§ 5815 (h) The emergency decision and order for temporary, interim relief shall be issued in accordance with the following procedures:
(1) The Bureau shall give notice of the emergency decision and order and an opportunity to be heard to the licensee prior to the issuance, or effective date, of the emergency decision and order, if practicable.
(2) Notice and hearing under this section may be oral or written and may be provided by telephone, personal service, mail, facsimile transmission, electronic mail, or other electronic means, as the circumstances permit.
(3) Notice may be given to the licensee, any person meeting the definition of owner for the license, or to the manager or other personnel at the licensed premises.
(4) Upon receipt of the notice, the licensee may request a hearing within three (3) business days by submitting a written request for hearing to the Bureau through electronic mail, facsimile transmission, or other written means. The hearing shall commence within five (5) business days of receipt of the written request for hearing, unless a later time is agreed upon by the Bureau and
the licensee.
(5) The hearing may be conducted in the same manner as an informal conference under section 5803 of this division; however, the timeframes provided in section 5803 shall not apply to a hearing under this section. Pre-hearing discovery or cross-examination of witnesses is not required under this section.
(6) The emergency decision and order shall be affirmed, modified, or set aside as determined appropriate by the Bureau within five (5) business days of the hearing.
§ 5815 (i) Within ten (10) calendar days of the issuance or effective date of the emergency decision and order for temporary, interim relief, the Bureau shall commence adjudicative proceedings in accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code to resolve the underlying issues giving rise to the temporary, interim relief, notwithstanding the pendency of proceedings for judicial review of the emergency decision as provided in subsection (k).
§ 5815 (j) After formal proceedings pursuant to subsection (i) of this section are held, a licensee aggrieved by a final decision of the Bureau may appeal the decision to the Cannabis Control Appeals Panel pursuant to Section 26043 of the Act.
§ 5815 (k) Notwithstanding administrative proceedings commenced pursuant to subsection (i), the licensee may obtain judicial review of the emergency decision and order pursuant to section 1094.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure in the manner provided in Section 11460.80 of the Government Code without exhaustion of administrative remedies.
§ 5815 (l) The Bureau’s authority provided by this section may be used in addition to any civil, criminal, or other administrative remedies available to the Bureau.
Authority: Section 26013, Business and Professions Code.
Reference: Section 26012, Business and Professions Code; and Sections 11460.10, 11460.20, 11460.30, 11460.40, 11460.50, 11460.60, 11460.70 and 11460.80, Government Code.
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