Legal Insights

Article 7. Acceptance or Rejection of Shipments

§15052. Returns. (a) Cannabis and cannabis products may be returned from the licensee currently in possession to the originating licensee for any lawful business purpose in accordance with the following: (b) Returns of cannabis and cannabis products shall be recorded in the track and trace system on a return manifest that shall contain the reason for the return. (c) Cannabis

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Article 6. Track and Trace Requirements

§15047.1. Definitions. (a) “Plant tag” means the tag that is labeled with a UID number and provided by the Department or the Department’s designee for attaching to a cannabis plant. (b) “Package tag” means the RFID-enabled tag that is labeled with a UID number and provided by the Department or the Department’s designee for attaching to batches of cannabis or

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Article 5. Security Measures

§15042. Premises Access Requirements. (a) For a premises that is not open to the public, the licensee shall establish and implement an identification and sign-in/sign-out procedure for all persons accessing the premises, including authorized individuals, suppliers, and visitors. (b) Licensees shall ensure that only employees of the licensee and other authorized individuals access the licensed premises. (c) For the purpose

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Article 4. Posting and Advertising

§15039. License Posting Requirement. (a) Upon issuance of license, the licensee shall prominently display the license on the licensed premises where it can be viewed by state and local agencies. If the licensed premises is open to the public, the license shall be displayed in an area that is within plain sight of the public. (b) Upon issuance of any

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Article 4. Standard Operating Procedures

§15711. Laboratory Analyses Standard Operating Procedures. (a) The licensed laboratory shall develop, implement, and maintain written standard operating procedures (SOP) for sample preparation and each required test method. The licensed laboratory shall use and submit to the Department the following forms which are incorporated by reference: (b) The licensed laboratory shall keep each SOP at the licensed laboratory premises and

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Article 3. Sampling Cannabis and Cannabis Products

§15704. Sampling Standard Operating Procedures. (a) The licensed laboratory shall develop and implement a sampling standard operating procedure (SOP) that describes the laboratory’s method for obtaining representative samples of cannabis or cannabis products. The licensed laboratory shall use and submit to the Department Sampling – Standard Operating Procedures, DCC-LIC-021 (Amended 2/22), which is incorporated herein by reference. (b) The licensed

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Article 2. Laboratory License

§15701. General Laboratory License Requirements. (a) A licensed laboratory shall maintain ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for the testing of the following: (b) Each testing laboratory licensed premises shall have ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. (c) A licensed laboratory shall retain, and make available to the Department upon request, all records associated with the licensee’s ISO/IEC 17025 certificate of accreditation. (d) A licensed testing

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Article 1. Chapter Definitions

§15700. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in section 15000, the following definitions apply to this chapter. (a) “Acceptance criteria” means the specified limits placed on the characteristics of an item or method that are used to determine data quality. (b) “Accreditation body” means an impartial non-profit organization that operates in conformance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) /

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Article 2. Cultivation Site Requirements

§16300. Cultivation Requirements. (a) Cannabis plants maintained outside of the designated canopy area(s) for specialty cottage, specialty, small, and medium licenses are prohibited from flowering. Should a plant outside of the canopy area(s) begin flowering, a plant tag shall be applied, the plant shall be moved to a designated canopy area and reported in the track and trace system without

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Article 1. General Cultivation Requirements

§16201. Cultivation License Types. License types include: (a) Specialty Cottage: (b) Specialty: (c) Small: (d) Medium: (e) “Nursery” is a cultivation site that conducts only cultivation of clones, immature plants, seeds, and other agricultural products used specifically for the propagation of cultivation of cannabis. (f) “Processor” is a cultivation site that conducts only trimming, drying, curing, grading, packaging, and labeling

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