Legal Insights

Copyright Protection for Cannabis Businesses
Josh Zetlin

Copyright Protection as an Alternative to Trademarks: A Guide for Cannabis Businesses

As most companies are well aware, a well-known brand (aka a trademark) represents one of a business’s most valuable assets.  Companies spend thousands of dollars and countless hours developing a distinctive visual look, crafting the perfect logo, and devising ways to make their product packaging stand out from the crowd of competitors.  It’s only natural for companies to vigorously protect

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Cross Border Cannabis Transactions
Rogoway Law Group

Three Important “Drafting Tips” When Negotiating Cross Border Cannabis Transactions

As the world continues to shrink, cross border transactions continue to become more common, even in the cannabis field where more countries are legalizing both medicinal and recreational use of cannabis. Today, there are at least thirty countries that allow the cultivation, manufacturing and use of medicinal cannabis (Argentina, Australia, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Israel, Thailand, etc.). A handful

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Assembly Bill 1793 – What it Means For Those With Prior California Cannabis Convictions
Rogoway Law Group

Assembly Bill 1793 – What it Means For Those With Prior California Cannabis Convictions

Governor Jerry Brown recently signed a number of cannabis bills that were passed within the last year into law. Assembly Bill 1793 should be of particular interest to those with California State cannabis convictions in their past. AB 1793 allows those with prior California cannabis convictions to have those convictions automatically dismissed or redesignated, depending on the type of prior

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Tilray's implications for “medicinal” cannabis companies
Rogoway Law Group

What the Heck Happened Last Week at Tilray? And its implications for “medicinal” cannabis companies.

What Tilray’s IPO means for “medicinal” cannabis companies? Tilray, Inc. describes itself as “a global pioneer in the research, cultivation, production, and distribution of medical cannabis and cannabinoids.” However, last week’s events make a pretty good case that Tilray (Nasdaq: TLRY) is not a pharmaceutical company after all despite being branded as one by companies like Yahoo Finance. This is very good

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Jana Adams administers a tincture high in CBD to her daughter, Brooke, who has Dravet Syndrome.
Rogoway Law Group

How a California Kindergartner Was Allowed to Take Her Cannabis Medicine to School

The Case Brooke Adams is a five-year-old girl diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome, a rare and severe form of epilepsy. Brooke currently uses medicinal cannabis-derived CBD oil to significantly reduce the frequency of seizures and medicinal cannabis-derived THC oil as an emergency medication to quickly stop seizures once they start. Brooke obtains both oils pursuant to a valid recommendation from a

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Los Angeles Cannabis Licenses: Phase II Eligibility Information
Rogoway Law Group

Los Angeles Cannabis Licenses: Phase II Eligibility Information

The City of Los Angeles anticipates opening up Phase II of its cannabis licensing process on August 1, 2018. To prepare potential applicants for the application process, the City released a set of guidelines that applicants can use to help establish eligibility for licensure. The document issued by the City is called Guidelines to Establish Eligibility Pursuant to LAMC Section

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CCPA - Cannabis Compliance
Rogoway Law Group

New Compliance Challenges: California Consumer Privacy Act and the Cannabis Privacy Bill

Co-Author: Ken Stratton On June 28, 2018, California adopted a comprehensive consumer privacy act, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the “CCPA”). Legislators rushed the CCPA through the legislative process with unpreceded speed to stave off a proposed, and more stringent, ballot initiative sponsored by a San Francisco developer. The law, which is similar in scope to the European

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On-Site Security Guard Requirements for Cannabis Retailers
Rogoway Law Group

New Local Cannabis Laws Proposed for San Francisco Raise Some Concerns

Co-Authored By: Charlie Lucero By now it’s well known that the City of San Francisco is considering two new cannabis laws: the first would be a local cannabis industry tax and the second would establish a new 9-member Cannabis Commission to oversee the industry within city limits. Last week, our attorneys attended a meeting sponsored by the San Francisco California

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Rogoway Law Group

FDA Approves Epidiolex: First Therapeutic Drug Made From Plant-Derived CBD

Co-Author: Josh Zetlin This week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Epidiolex as a treatment for seizures associated with two rare and severe forms of epilepsy: Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. Epidiolex, developed by GW Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq: GWPH), a UK-based pharmaceutical company with U.S. operations, is the first FDA-approved drug made from a purified substance derived from

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