Rogoway Law Group | California Cannabis Law Firm

California Alcoholic Beverage Control Act ("ABC Act")

Codified as

California Business and Professions Code
Division 9
Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 17. Administrative Provisions.

Table of Contents

§ 25750. Power of department to make rules; Nude persons; County option.

(a) The department shall make and prescribe those reasonable rules as may be necessary or proper to carry out the purposes and intent of Section 22 of Article XX of the California Constitution and to enable it to exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred upon it by that section or by this division, not inconsistent with any statute of this state, including particularly this division and Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.

(b) Any regulation which excludes nude persons from licensed premises shall not apply to a nude person at licensed premises located at a nudist resort or nudist campground which was in existence prior to January 1, 1977, and whose operation is in conformance with local land use regulations.

(c) Subdivision (b) is applicable only in a county where the board of supervisors of the county in which the licensed premises is located adopts an ordinance or resolution making subdivision (b) applicable in that county, and the sheriff of that county certifies that no extraordinary police problem would be created thereby.

(Amended by Stats. 1987, Ch. 636, Sec. 1.)


§ 25750.5. COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization [Effective until July 1, 2023; Repealed effective July 1, 2024].

(a) The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control may permit licensees to exercise license privileges in an expanded license area authorized pursuant to a COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization approved in accordance with the Fourth Notice of Regulatory Relief issued by the department on May 15, 2020. A COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization authorizes the on-sale consumption of those alcoholic beverages for which the licensee has on-sale privileges on property that is adjacent to the licensed premises, under the control of the licensee.

(b) The COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization approved by the department shall be subject to terms and conditions established by the department and stated in the Fourth Notice of Regulatory Relief and the related application form, including, but not limited to, that the authorization may be canceled as determined by the department, as provided in the Fourth Notice, which includes, but is not limited to, upon objection by local law enforcement or if operation of the temporarily authorized area is inconsistent with state or local public health directives.

(c) Notwithstanding any other law, if the department determines that any licensee is found to be abusing the relief provided by this section, or if the licensee’s actions jeopardize public health, safety, or welfare, the department may summarily rescind the relief as to that licensee at any time.

(d) This section shall remain in effect only until July 1, 2026, and as of that date is repealed.

(Amended (as added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 651, Sec. 1) by Stats. 2023, Ch. 569, Sec. 1. (AB 1217) Effective January 1, 2024. Repealed as of July 1, 2026, by its own provisions. See identical section amended by Stats. 2023, Ch. 569.)


§ 25750.5. Temporary Catering Authorization [Effective until July 1, 2023; Repealed effective July 1, 2024].

(a) The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control may permit licensees to exercise license privileges in an expanded license area authorized pursuant to a COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization approved in accordance with the Fourth Notice of Regulatory Relief issued by the department on May 15, 2020. A COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization authorizes the on-sale consumption of those alcoholic beverages for which the licensee has on-sale privileges on property that is adjacent to the licensed premises, under the control of the licensee.

(b) The COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization approved by the department shall be subject to terms and conditions established by the department and stated in the Fourth Notice of Regulatory Relief and the related application form, including, but not limited to, that the authorization may be canceled as determined by the department, as provided in the Fourth Notice, which includes, but is not limited to, upon objection by local law enforcement or if operation of the temporarily authorized area is inconsistent with state or local public health directives.

(c) Notwithstanding any other law, if the department determines that any licensee is found to be abusing the relief provided by this section, or if the licensee’s actions jeopardize public health, safety, or welfare, the department may summarily rescind the relief as to that licensee at any time.

(d) This section shall remain in effect only until July 1, 2026, and as of that date is repealed.

(Amended (as added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 656, Sec. 4) by Stats. 2023, Ch. 569, Sec. 2. (AB 1217) Effective January 1, 2024. Repealed as of July 1, 2026, by its own provisions.)


§ 25751. Power of department.

For the performance of its duties the department has the power conferred by Sections 11180 to 11191, inclusive, of the Government Code.

(Amended by Stats. 1955, Ch. 1842.)


§ 25752. Records.

No licensee may manufacture, import, sell or distribute alcoholic beverages, except wine, in the State of California unless he keeps records at his licensed premises of such manufacture, importation, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages manufactured, imported, sold or distributed by the licensee in this State. Such records shall include all expenditures incurred by the licensee in the manufacture, importation, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages, except wine, in this State. Provided, however, that any licensee licensed at more than one premises may keep all said records at one of his licensed premises. Records herein required to be kept shall be kept for a period of three years from the date of the transaction.

(Amended by Stats. 1959, Ch. 1357.)


§ 25753. Examination of books and inspection of premises.

The department may make any examination of the books and records of any licensee or other person and may visit and inspect the premises of any licensee it may deem necessary to perform its duties under this division.

(Amended by Stats. 1955, Ch. 1842.)


§ 25754. Administration of oaths.

The director and the persons employed by the department for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this division may administer and certify oaths in the administration and enforcement of this division.

(Amended by Stats. 1955, Ch. 447.)


§ 25755. Authority as peace officers; Inspection of premises; Narcotics enforcement training.

(a) The director and the persons employed by the department for the administration and enforcement of this division are peace officers in the enforcement of the penal provisions of this division, the rules of the department adopted under the provisions of this division, and any other penal provisions of law of this state prohibiting or regulating the sale, exposing for sale, use, possession, giving away, adulteration, dilution, misbranding, or mislabeling of alcoholic beverages or intoxicating liquors, and these persons are authorized, while acting as peace officers, to enforce any penal provisions of law while in the course of their employment.

(b) The director, the persons employed by the department for the administration and enforcement of this division, peace officers listed in Section 830.1 of the Penal Code, and those officers listed in Section 830.6 of the Penal Code while acting in the course and scope of their employment as peace officers may, in enforcing the provisions of this division, visit and inspect the premises of any licensee at any time during which the licensee is exercising the privileges authorized by his or her license on the premises.

(c) Peace officers of the Department of the California Highway Patrol, members of the University of California and California State University police departments, and peace officers of the Department of Parks and Recreation, as defined in subdivisions (a), (b), (c), and (f) of Section 830.2 of the Penal Code, may, in enforcing this division, visit and inspect the premises of any licensee located on state property at any time during which the licensee is exercising the privileges authorized by his or her license on the premises.

(d) Any agents assigned to the Drug Enforcement Narcotics Team by the director shall have successfully completed a four-week course on narcotics enforcement approved by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. In addition, all other agents of the department shall successfully complete the four-week course on narcotics enforcement approved by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training by June 1, 1995.

(Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 305, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 1997.)


§ 25757. Authority to join association.

The department may authorize any of its executive officers to join or subscribe to any national association or service having as its purpose the gathering and supply of information relative to the technique of liquor regulation, control, or administration.

(Amended by Stats. 1955, Ch. 447.)


§ 25758. Payment of witnesses.

When a person attends as a witness in any criminal case in which a person is charged with a violation of any penal provisions of the law prohibiting or regulating the sale, exposing for sale, use, possession, giving away, adulteration, dilution, misbranding, or mislabeling of an alcoholic beverage or intoxicating liquor, and the court in the exercise of its discretion does not authorize the payment of the witness from county funds under Section 1329 of the Penal Code, the department may expend any money available to it to pay him witness fees at the rate of three dollars ($3) for each day’s actual attendance and a reasonable sum for the necessary expenses of the witness, or, in the case of a witness attending from outside the State, to pay the witness the sum of ten cents ($0.10) for each mile and five dollars ($5) for each day that he is required to travel and attend as a witness.

(Amended by Stats. 1955, Ch. 447.)


§ 25758.5. Payment of witness expenses.

In any hearing before the department pursuant to Section 24300, the department may pay any person appearing as a witness at the hearing at the request of the department pursuant to a subpoena, his or her actual, necessary, and reasonable travel, food, and lodging expenses, not to exceed the amount authorized for state employees.

(Added by Stats. 1997, Ch. 774, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 1998.)


§ 25759. When license fees deemed to be paid.

When license fees are required to be paid on or by specified dates, they shall be deemed to have been paid at the time they are filed with or paid to the department or other proper official or, if sent by mail, on the date shown by the United States postmark on the envelope containing the payment.

(Amended by Stats. 1963, Ch. 1040.)


§ 25760. Manner of giving notice.

Notice of any act of the department required by this division to be given may be signed and given by the director or an authorized employee of the department and may be made personally or by mail. If made by mail, service shall be made in the manner prescribed by Section 1013 of the Code of Civil Procedure. In case of service by mail, the service is complete at the time of deposit in the United States Post Office.

(Amended by Stats. 1955, Ch. 1842.)


§ 25761. Disposition of fees and tax moneys.

All money collected as fees pursuant to this division, as payments under Section 23096, and under the excise tax provisions of this division or Part 14 (commencing with Section 32001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund, which fund is continued in existence.

The money in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund shall be expended as follows:

(a) The amount necessary for the allowance of the refunds provided for in this division or Part 14 (commencing with Section 32001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code is hereby appropriated, without regard to fiscal years, to the Controller for payment of these refunds.

(b) All money derived as payment under Section 23096 and from excise taxes under Part 14 (commencing with Section 32001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code remaining after compliance with subdivision (a) shall be transferred to the General Fund on the order of the Controller.

(c) All original license fees paid on or after July 1, 1998, shall remain in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund.

(d) All other money collected as fees and deposited in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund shall be allocated, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for the enforcement and administration of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.

(e) Money transferred to the General Fund pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be in lieu of any assessment that would be made on the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control pursuant to Section 11270 and following of the Government Code.

(f) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the amount necessary for the support of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control’s grant assistance program. This amount shall be sufficient to cover the salaries and benefits of the alcohol beverage control peace officer positions dedicated to this program. However, based on the available revenue in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund, the amount shall not be less than one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) and not more than three million dollars ($3,000,000).

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 29, Sec. 73. (SB 82) Effective June 27, 2019.)


§ 25762. Disposition of fines and forfeitures.

(a) All fines and forfeitures of bail imposed for a violation of this division and collected in any felony case after the indictment or the legal commitment by a magistrate, or at or after the sentencing hearing, shall be paid to the county treasurer of the county in which the court is held.

(b) All fines and forfeitures of bail imposed for violation of this division and collected upon conviction or upon forfeiture of bail, together with money deposited as bail, in any misdemeanor or infraction case, or in any felony case at the preliminary hearing or at another proceeding before the legal commitment by a magistrate, shall be deposited with the county treasurer of the county in which the court is situated and the money deposited shall be distributed and disposed of pursuant to Section 1463 of the Penal Code.

(c) For purposes of this section, a case in which both a felony and a misdemeanor were charged shall be treated as a felony case.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 470, Sec. 1. (AB 1529) Effective January 1, 2013.)