Legal Insights

Chapter 17. Administrative Provisions.

§ 25750. Power of department to make rules; Nude persons; County option. (a) The department shall make and prescribe those reasonable rules as may be necessary or proper to carry out the purposes and intent of Section 22 of Article XX of the California Constitution and to enable it to exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred upon it by

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CHAPTER 16. ARTICLE 5. Entertainment Zones

§ 25690. Generally. (a) If the City and County of San Francisco establishes an entertainment zone, it shall do both of the following: (b) The Legislature finds and declares that a special statute is necessary and that a general statute cannot be made applicable within the meaning of Section 16 of Article IV of the California Constitution because of the unique economic

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CHAPTER 16. ARTICLE 4. Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017

§ 25680. Definitions. For purposes of this article: (a) “Alcohol server” means a person who serves alcoholic beverages for consumption, or a person who manages or supervises that person, on premises licensed to serve alcoholic beverages pursuant to this division, including a designee for alcoholic beverage sales and service pursuant to temporary license. (b) “Alcohol server certification” means a certification issued by

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CHAPTER 16. ARTICLE 3. Women and Minors

§ 25657. Employment of persons to encourage or solicit purchase of beverages. It is unlawful: (a) For any person to employ, upon any licensed on-sale premises, any person for the purpose of procuring or encouraging the purchase or sale of alcoholic beverages, or to pay any such person a percentage or commission on the sale of alcoholic beverages for procuring or

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CHAPTER 16. ARTICLE 2. Hours of Sale and Delivery of Alcoholic Beverages

§ 25631. Sales during closing hours. Any on- or off-sale licensee, or agent or employee of that licensee, who sells, gives, or delivers to any persons any alcoholic beverage or any person who knowingly purchases any alcoholic beverage between the hours of 2 o’clock a.m. and 6 o’clock a.m. of the same day, is guilty of a misdemeanor. For the

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CHAPTER 16. ARTICLE 1. In General

§ 25600. Premiums, gifts, or free goods; Refunds or exchanges for dissatisfied customers; Advertising specialties; Free or discounted rides by beer manufacturer or distilled spirits manufacturer. (a) (b) (c) With respect to distilled spirits and wines, a licensee may furnish, give, rent, loan, or sell advertising specialties to a retailer, provided those items bear conspicuous advertising required of a sign and

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Chapter 16. Regulatory Provisions.

ARTICLE 1. In General ARTICLE 2. Hours of Sale and Delivery of Alcoholic Beverages ARTICLE 3. Women and Minors ARTICLE 4. Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 ARTICLE 5. Entertainment Zones

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Chapter 15. Tied–House Restrictions.

§ 25500. Prohibited economic interests in on–sale license. (a) No manufacturer, winegrower, manufacturer’s agent, rectifier, California winegrower’s agent, distiller, bottler, importer, or wholesaler, or any officer, director, or agent of any such person shall: (b) This section does not apply to the holding by one person of a wholesaler’s license and an on-sale license in counties not to exceed 15,000 population. (c) This

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Chapter 14. Seizure and Forfeiture of Property.

§ 25350. Beverages subject to seizure.  The department may seize the following alcoholic beverages: (a) Alcoholic beverages manufactured or produced in this state by any person other than licensed manufacturer or wine grower, regardless of where found. (b) Beer and wine upon the sale of which the excise tax imposed by Part 14 (commencing with Section 32001) of Division 2 of the

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§ 25235. Wine containers.  It is unlawful for any person to sell to any on- or off-sale licensee or to deliver to the premises of any on- or off-sale licensee, or for any on- or off-sale licensee to sell or to have upon his or her licensed premises, wine packaged or bottled in any pocket flask container of less than

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