Successful Defense: Rogoway Law attorney David Carman successfully defended cultivator in lawsuit brought by county seeking $31m but settled for $23,000.
Corporate Matter Result
Mergers and Acquisitions: Rogoway Law attorneys represented electric tractor company in sale to publicly owned company for $35m transaction value
Corporate Matter Result
Preferred Stock Financing: Rogoway law attorneys represented company in Series A financing of over $18m worth of funding with a post money valuation of over $45m.
Administrative Enforcement
No Violation Issued: Rogoway Law cannabis compliance attorneys represented licensed cannabis cultivator in multi-agency administrative enforcement action involving eradication of 11 acres of canopy alleging substantial Metrc non-compliance, and other related issues.
Litigation Case Result
Arbitration Award: Rogoway law attorney David Carman obtained arbitration award for $600k against purchaser who defaulted on payments for acquisition of microbusiness.
IP Matter Result
Trademark: Rogoway law attorney Josh Zetlin registered mark used by cannabis cultivator and Hip-Hop artist in chart-topping song describing cannabis brand.
Administrative Enforcement
Permitting Appeal: Rogoway Law compliance attorneys prevailed on appeal of denial of cannabis retail license stemming from competitive, scored application process.
IP Matter Result
WIPO: Rogoway Law attorney Josh Zetlin successfully registered international trademark for cannabis company.
Pro Bono
Cannabis in Schools: Rogoway Law managing attorney Joe Rogoway prevailed at a Due Process hearing, clearing the way for a disabled student to use cannabinoid medicine in a California public school.
IP Matter Result
Trademark Prosecution Defense: Rogoway Law attorney Josh Zetlin successfully defended action brought by cannabis company claiming trademark was being infringed upon.
Litigation Case Result
Successful Defense: Attorney Joe Rogoway obtained successful settlement in a civil action brought by the County alleging a variety of environmental and other regulatory violations seeking penalties in excess of $11,000,000. Settled matter for $245,000 with site remediation of permitted cultivation facility.
Pro Bono
Legislation: Rogoway Law attorneys drafted Cultivation and Facilities Ordinances which passed by vote of County Supervisors.